Tanasić – Label Design
@tanasic_doo wanted to refresh the look of his line of vegetable products, so they teamed up with the design team of the Creative Digital Agency MicroMedia. We talked, researched their work so far and, found a suitable graphic solution for the redesign of existing labels for their best-selling products.
Given that “Tanasić” is a company that cherishes tradition, when creating the new look, we were inspired by the existing compositions, but we upgraded them and raised the entire label to a higher level with new vivid colors, beautiful images that show the natural ingredients that are inside each jar, but also additional graphic elements to frame everything and convey a unique story about each product.
Each label is designed to show customers that this company is ready for innovations and improvements that have as their ultimate goal improvements and better quality of both products and business. CLIENT: Tanasić
SERVICE: Label design
WEB ADDRESS: www.tanasic.net
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